Continuing our run of recent planning successes, we can share that our second workspace project at Haymarket Yards for Stamford Property Holdings Ltd has received approval from The City of Edinburgh Council. The east building delivers 6,285 sqm (GIA) of workspace at the key public transport hub of Haymarket. New active frontage will provide vibrancy and activity along one of the principal tram and cycle routes within the city.
Designed as a new kind of workspace to help occupiers meet ESG policy requirements for sustainability, wellbeing, and connectivity to public transport, this building supersedes our prior approval for a hotel on the same site and will allow Haymarket Yards to emerge as a contemporary workplace campus. The BREEAM Outstanding building will complement the previously consented adjacent office building and together they will provide over 28,500 sqm (GIA) of premium workspace, meeting one of Edinburgh’s key demands for future growth.
We now look forward to moving ahead to construction later this year.