Ewan Anderson of 7N Architects’ talk at Architecture and Design Scotland’s ‘What if… we designed our places with people?’ event reflected on the outcomes of our What if…?/Scotland initiative. What if…?/Scotland brought 25 architects and designers together with 25 citizens from 5 towns across Scotland to share their hopes and dreams for the future of the place where they live. The architects and designers then used these wishes to explore imaginative ideas in response to the challenges that these communities are facing.
The event, which was held at the SpACE pop up exhibition space at Edinburgh College of Art, also considered A&DS’s work on 20 Minute Neighbourhoods and Climate Action Towns as part of a holistic approach to building sustainable communities.
The talk and following discussion was a great opportunity to reflect on the success of What If…?/Scotland and future opportunities for citizens and architects/designers to co-create better places in Scotland’s communities.