Fountainbridge Masterplan
An award winning masterplan for the transformation of a neglected canalside site into a vibrant, liveable neighbourhood.

The Fountainbridge masterplan represents a groundbreaking initiative by the City of Edinburgh Council and their development company EDI to regenerate a pivotal 11.5 acre site at Fountainbridge on the Union Canal. The vision for the site was developed by 7N during extensive engagement with the local community which formed the basis of 7N’s integrated placemaking and development strategy for regenerating the area. The transformational masterplan will deliver a vibrant, liveable neighbourhood, reinvigorating the canalside and surrounding area with a range of mixed uses and housing types. The new place will be woven together by a people-centred public realm where pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised in a largely car free environment. Since gaining Planning Permission in Principle in 2015, 7N have developed detailed plans for 434 new homes and workplace buildings which will be powered by a low carbon district heating network.
Click here to see the Fountainbridge Community Workshop Report 2013

Community engagement workshops set a very clear agenda for the development; to deliver a vibrant, liveable, neighbourhood that would reinvigorate the canalside.