Re-Imagining Railways
Railway stations across the UK have huge untapped potential. Through simple, elegant structures and landscapes, our proposal facilitates smooth and sustainable travel.

For the Re-imagining Railways 2020 Competition, Network Rail invited proposals that will challenge and re-imagine what a ‘station’ could become in the 21st century. Our winning concept – ‘Hub Station’ – was selected from over 200 international entries and is designed to capture the identity of the railways as a progressive, sustainable mode of transport which has a pivotal civic role in serving communities throughout the country.
HUB Station is the blueprint for a new generation of environmentally sustainable, community focussed transport hubs. Design guidance, published in 2022, defines an adaptable kit of parts to transform stations across Britain and equip them for a net zero future. This kit of parts comprises a simple, adaptable, and scalable catalogue of standardised elements that can be tailored to the context and locality of each station, whilst maintaining a consistent national identity.
Signified by the clock tower as a new local landmark, the proposed station environment extends beyond the platform to create civic spaces that welcome travellers. A “welcome mat” of landscaped public realm provides a placemaking framework for a diverse mix of permanent and pop-up uses and reflects local character through a tailored design response to each location. Based on common principles the design employs local materials, craftsmanship, and regional plant species to embed it in its context.
The project has national significance - our Design Manual for Medium to Small Stations sets new standards for more than 2000 small and medium stations across Britain.

“The 7N Team have demonstrated an outstanding level of enthusiasm, commitment and professionalism, fully vindicating their selection as winners of the Re-Imagining Railway Stations competition.”
Frank Anatole, Principal Architect, Network Rail