Following up on our work in Callander, 7N will be back working with the National Park again, having been appointed to carry out a Charrette which will form part of Local Development Plan preparation. This project forms part of the Scottish Government SSCI Charrette series, which seeks to look at mainstreaming the Charrette process within Scottish design and planning practice. 7N will collaborate with a team of consultants, including Paul Jardine of Jura Consultants, Lynne Ceeney of Parsons Brinkerhoff and Dave Thompson of DPT Urban design.
The Charrette process is an exciting and engaging way of working, that puts creativity, debate, problem-solving and design to the forefront, and involves working with communities to formulate plans and strategies for the future. We will be working with small rural communities in the National Park and discussing issues relevant to their future sustainability and wellbeing. We will also be looking at the Park as a whole and the role these settlements play in their wider context. The National Park is home to some of Scotland’s finest scenery and most sensitive natural environment which is the primary reason that people choose to live and visit the Park. The Charrette will focus on how people living in the Park can get greater benefit from the visitor economy, whilst protecting the natural landscape and supporting fragile local communities.