‘Every lighthouse writes a message: It’s going to be all right. You are not alone. Others have made this path before you.’
Charlotte Runcie ‘Lightkeepers’ Poem
This 19th Century Granton lighthouse was once a place to teach lighthouse keepers their trade and to experiment the new illumination technologies of the time. The harbour has since been reclaimed and the lighthouse finds itself adrift — completely landlocked and its main function no longer needed.
The City of Edinburgh Council commissioned 7N Architects to study what can be done to forge a sustainable future for this unique and historic building in north Edinburgh. Helping it become a beacon again for the expanding North Edinburgh communities and complement the surrounding regeneration projects.
Working closely Simpson & Brown the opportunity with Granton Lighthouse is to retain as much of the character and period features of the Category C listed building, while still creating a viable set of public and private uses.
7N Architects sensitive contemporary interventions repair the fabric where needed and upgrade the interior of the envelope to ensure that it will meet the City of Edinburgh Council’s 2030 Net Zero targets.