We are delighted to announce that our Salamander Yards project has recently been granted planning permission.
By optimising the potential of the site, the proposal helps to deliver new homes and contributes to the emerging, residential character of the area. Following the principles of NPF4, the proposals facilitate the re-use of brownfield land, enable biodiversity gain, support sustainable transport solutions, and promote compact urban growth and the creation of liveable places
Arranged in a u-shaped form, the design reinstates the street-edges to Salamander St and Salamander Yards, while also presenting an open landscaped courtyard to the south.
The development has been designed in anticipation of wider public real improvements along Salamander St, including the Leith Connections program for cycle ways and Copenhagen crossing at road junctions. Proposals include the creation of a ‘pocket park’ to the north east edge of the site, offering environmental improvements to the street end and creating much needed public space and planting to the road.
Looking ahead to the implementation of City Plan 2030, the development will deliver 35% affordable housing.