Shetland Islands Council vote to approve 7N’s masterplan for a complex site in Lerwick’s historic town centre.

The site within Lerwick’s steep historic Lanes was cleared in the 1970s and had since been developed in an ad-hoc manner, with social housing, car parking and a temporary community garden. When it was determined by the council that the housing had reached end of its useful life and required replacing, an opportunity arose to restore and improve town centre living with a range of tenures and typologies.

The project involved extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders including the community, the council, local businesses, and schools to understand their views on the existing condition and the future of the site. The clear direction from the consultation was a solution that found a balance between all three existing uses; housing, parking and community garden; whilst restoring the character and quality of place that make the Lanes such an important part of Lerwick’s identity.

The approved plan, one of three detailed options prepared for consideration by the Council, creates the opportunity for new housing at two locations, retains the heart of the Community Garden and improves access to and through the car park for all users.

We really enjoyed working in the unique environment of Shetland again, following our award winning housing masterplan for the former Anderson High School at the Knab in Lerwick, and look forward to seeing both projects progressing in the near future.
