What should the future hold for Edinburgh?

In these extraordinary times, we have an unprecedented opportunity to push the reset button and find better ways of living together. Fortunately, Edinburgh already has ambitious plans that are starting to take shape, and with the launch of a raft of Local Plan consultation documents, now is the time to lend your support.

7N have been debating our response to Edinburgh City Council’s vision for City Plan 2030 since the City Mobility Plan and Choices for City Plan 2030 consultations were launched two months ago. We have held a series of studio workshops to explore key themes, participated in events with industry and council representatives, lobbied colleagues and clients, and drafted and re-drafted our consultation responses.

Whilst there are of course other immediate priorities for local public bodies at the moment, the rapid escalation of measures to curb global pandemic have arguably brought the issues that City Plan 2030 seeks to address into ever sharper focus, and many of us are sat at home wondering what the future holds. There is a danger in these testing times that we go back to basics and forget the aspirations of a few weeks back. Instead, what if we set our sights on establishing a new norm when we emerge? What better place to start than engaging with this consultation and setting the course for Edinburgh 2030.

Through a series of short blogs we explore some of the key policies within CEC’s proposals for City Plan 2030, we explain the aspects which we think will make the most difference, and ask ourselves where we might go further.

