7N receive Special Mention at RIAS Andrew Doolan Award 2011

7N Architects have been awarded a Special Mention at the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award 2011 for Phoenix Flowers in Glasgow.

7N are delighted to have the project recognised in this way and would like to express our thanks to our client, the Glasgow Canal Regeneration Partnership, and design collaborators, RankinFraser Landscape Architecture.

We are pleased that the jury has recognised , what for us was, a civic project as Architecture and thank them for their encouraging comments in the following citation:

“The challenge of re-making the landscape below motorways has perplexed and challenged local authorities for decades. This project has widened the underpass from a single dark, narrow path into a flowing, red resin, surface whose slightly surreal landscape and sculptural features draw visitors through the space. Aptly named, Phoenix Flowers reclaims this territory for pedestrians, skateboarders and cyclists and transforms a wasteland into a quite literal and powerful piece of placemaking.”
