Inverness Campus Golden Bridge in Place

We’re very excited to see the Golden Bridge over the A9 lifted into its final position at Inverness Campus.

The bridge was designed by 7N as a key part of our masterplan for the Campus for Highlands and Islands Enterprise. It links the new Campus with adjacent neighbourhoods and the city centre, creating a confident, modern, gateway to Inverness.

It was conceived as a simple golden blade forming a slim, elegant, arc in the landscape that catches the unique light of the Highlands.

The 290 tonne structure was moved into position by contractors Morgan Sindall in its entire, 84 metre, span using specialist equipment to inch the bridge along the A9 and into position before bolting it to the landings on either side of the road.

The completion of a new bridge is always a special moment for those who designed and constructed it as it is a new civic landmark that makes a new connection between two places that didn’t previously exist.

We are delighted to be part of such a significant project for the Campus and Inverness.
