Edmonstone Woods submitted for planning

We are pleased to have recently submitted a planning application for Phase 5 of the Edmonstone masterplan, delivering 176 new homes and complementary small commercial space within the unique setting of Edmonstone Woods. The proposals have been designed to embrace the woodland setting of the former Edmonstone House, which stood on the site until the 1950s, including the re-development of the remains of the former stable block.

Working with our client Alba Developments, the project will deliver a mix of one, two and three bed homes on brownfield land, providing much needed housing on a well-connected site adjacent to Edinburgh’s Bio-Quarter development. Our masterplan has been designed to bring the experience of the woodland surroundings deep into the site and maximise views to the landscape beyond. The six residential blocks of varying scale and orientation nestle within the trees, and include generous wrap around balconies that create a transition space between the homes and the woodland.

A pedestrian and cycle priority central avenue creates safe permeable access through the site and minimises vehicle movements. The landscape proposal designed in collaboration with LUC provides high quality amenity space for residents whilst also ensuring the development maintains open access to Edmonstone Woods for all. Across the scheme a natural, robust palette of materials has been chosen in a range of tones that complement the surrounding setting.
