525 Ferry Road
A healthy, sustainable and biodiverse community at a key junction within the city.

7N have worked with Artisan Real Estate Limited to develop proposals for 525 Ferry Road to transform the brownfield site into much needed homes, set within a rich, biodiverse, green landscape at both ground and roof level, with expansive views over parkland to the city centre skyline. The proposals, comprising 256 mixed tenure apartments, across 6 buildings, with mixed-use workspace at ground floor level will bring a lively urban density to the area around the Crewe Toll junction, a key node on the new tram route.
The shared garden spaces will form the heart of the residential community, with an interconnected network of calming green spaces focused on wellbeing, ecology and biodiversity. Careful consideration has been given to creating an active frontage to the Ferry Road frontage with a public realm which prioritises pedestrians, permeability and active travel.
In response to the landscape setting the buildings have extensive balconies and roof terraces and a complimentary palette of brick tones that reflect a gradation of white-buff to blonde colours. A ‘fabric first’ approach has been adopted for the building envelopes and the development will utilise fossil-fuel free energy sources to heat the new homes.

The project concentrates sustainable development at the Crewe Toll Junction, which will be a key public transport node with the new tram route to Granton, helping to bring life and activity to the area.

The development delivers an urban density, with a high level of amenity and biodiversity within the extensive green space.